The Great Flood of 1930
The most disastrous flood our area has ever known occurred in June, 1930, resulting in loss of life, damage to property and great hardship. There had been very heavy thunder, lightening and torrential rain in the area for some time before noon. The cause of the flood appears to have been a cloudburst above Rowarth. It was shortly after noon that the river seemed to rise suddenly and overflow its banks tearing past the Little Mill Inn and it was here the tragedy occurred. Mr John Ollerenshaw the landlord and others were attempting to hold back the flood. An impossible task, as the water rose up the stairway, the customers and staff sought refuge in the upper rooms. Mr Ollerenshaw was endeavouring to get from one door to another, when he was caught in the flood and swept away. His body was later recovered from the brook near Bate Mill Bleachworks, a mile from the Inn. It was later estimated that River rose by over twenty feet.